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Saturday, May 18, 2013

ANP: The Present and the Future

The Loss:

ANP lost elections because it failed to make the people understand why did they lose  800 lives!

The Reason:

ANP was stabbed by the double-edged sword of attacks from the Taliban and the Media-created Craze among the youth. The rest of Pakistan watched ANP blood but all were silent and were busy stampeding the corpses for their political gains. Congratulation to all of them! They have won a victory against the rule of "fair play".

The Performance vs. Defeat

By all means ANP government's performance was the best of all in the last 20 years history of Pakistan. ANP did not lose elections due to its bad performance. ANP was defeated by the Taliban and the media created "crazy" youth.

The Revival:

ANP needs new, young, talented, intellectual and committed institutionalized leadership who could change the whole politics in the region by starting study circles at the grassroots level. Social empowerment is the prerequisite for political empowerment.

The Discourse for Future Action

1.       ANP encouraged freedom of speech and tolerated all kind of criticism from the media. The Federal Govt several times bribed the journalists, used PEMRA to suppress free speech but ANP never engaged in suppressing any voice of the media. Look at Altaf Hussain! He threatened the anchor persons but ANP will continue to engage democratically with the media.

2.       ANP increased space for Civil Society and allowed NGOs to work more effectively. ANP expects the Civil Society to continue their good work uninterruptedly. Civil Society is the backbone of an organic society.

3.       ANP stood for secular values. This is called bravery. No party in Pakistan has such clarity of vision and progressive political approach.

4.       The 5 years ANP government encouraged free speech and free choices. So people voted for a change unlike in other provinces where people supported the status quo. Thus ANP was largely successful to make a dynamic society.

5.       ANP encouraged women (Youth) to participate in elections, hold portfolios and Party offices. ANP tried its best to provide equal opportunities to women. But they did not vote for ANP. ANP respects their choice. ANP simply wants the women to remember these great contributions for women's empowerment.

6.       ANP opened the Nishtar Hall for cultural activities and empowered the artists, artisans and craftsmen. But all of them voted for the PTI! NO PROBLEM! Vote is your basic right. Next time if you feel your life and work is threatened, join the ANP. ANP knows your value and struggling against any oppression is our common goal.

7.       ANP gave away thousands of laptops to talented youth. They voted for the PTI. ANP appreciates them that they have made their choice. ANP only wants these youth to study hard and join us in the future.

8.       ANP trained thousands of youth in different fields. Most of them voted for the PTI. We encourage them that they have made a choice at least.

9.       The 5 years ANP government established 7 universities. So more educated youth who voted for a change.

10.   Add more to the list….


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