A social change is not merely the name of some self-automated processes or the interplay of diverse factors in these processes. True, there are certain factors or shocks like natural or man-made disasters which could influence people's perceptions and direct them in a certain way but a social change largely occurs inside our minds. We are the driving forces, the bearers of the processes and the agents of change. Time mostly offers us with choices either to succumb to these processes or to direct them as we deem suitable for ourselves and the society at large.
Each one of us is a microcosm with peculiar observations and perceptions. I want my readers to understand the world through my mind.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Monday, May 27, 2013
Risk/ Opportunity Management Plan Pakhtunkhwa Mili Awami Party
Risk/ Opportunity
Management Plan Pakhtunkhwa Mili Awami Party
Risk/ Opportunity
Civil-Military Relation
1. Avoid:
Avoid being part of any decision imposed by the military
2. Transfer:
In unavoidable circumstances transfer the burden of ownership to the PML (N)
3. Mitigate:
In rare cases there must be a bargain to reduce the loss
1. Avoid
any direct conflict with the militants both ethnic and religious
2. Focus
more on Pashtun areas and socio-economic development
Ministries and Portfolio
1. Enhance:
Ensure effective governance by focusing collective problems.
2. Share:
Involve local party activists in all major developmental projects
3. Avoid:
Avoid violation of merit on key posts
4. Mitigate:
Discourage the use of party for vested interest by lobbies, bureaucracy or
party activist.
Mitigate: Start cultural exchange programs by
inviting Pashtun intellectual from Afghansitan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and
Enhance: Expand party to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,
FATA and Karachi through a palnned and phase out strategy
1. Enhance:
Capacity building of the party workers for effective governance.
2. Share:
Participatory decision making
3. Mitigate:
Effective evaluation, introspection and recommendation from outsiders to
check for any loopholes and to look for improvement
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
ANP & Media
ANP media should have three expert teams for:
1. Mass Media (Electronic Media English/ Print Media
2. Mass Media (Electronic Media Urdu/ Print Media Urdu)
3. Social Media (Facebook, Twitters, Blogs)
a) Deconstructing myths through full time participation on
these medium and replying directly to any objections.
b) Creating space for the manifesto through creative and
innovative strategies.
c) Using diverse techniques to attract masses
d) Full scale propaganda to build strong moral foundation
for the workers.
e) Inter-connectivity of workers through social media for
exchange of views and information
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Elections 2013: Fair or Geared
Last night I was thinking about the possibility of any
foreign hand (US) and any efforts to direct May 11 Elections in favour of PML N
and PTI. Many things were in my mind about thinking in this direction:
1. That the US and other democracies including the UN,
European Union and others kept a strange (though criminal) silence about the
pre-poll rigging and persecution of PPP and ANP leadership and workers.
Asfandiyar’s vague reference to the “third party” was also in my mind.
2. The recent statement by President Asif Ali Zardar in
which he accused the national and international establishment for failing the
3. That in the 2014 US and NATO withdrawal’s scenario, peace
deal with the Taliban for the logistic purposes would be required and there
must be some strong players in Paksitan who could ensure a safe exit.
4. That the US has a notorious history of keeping her
options open all the time and engage with anyone who serve her interest best.
5. That the Pakistani media deliberately created the impression
that the real contestants are the PML (N) and the PTI and that PTI was
supported unjustifiably against all parties.
6. That Najam Seti in one of his last interviews with Muneb
(Aapas Ki Baat) hinted towards a prior knowledge about the unexpected results.
He had also said the he could not share the information due to his sensitive
position as CM Punjab.
Many counter arguments also came to my mind.
1. That from the Elections 2008 and onwards both the PPP and
ANP dogmatically supported US policies without keeping their own party
interests superior. Thus relying too much on US’ support and ignoring the
internal changes/perceptions against the left and anti-Taliban forces.
2. That the federal govt of PPP failed to develop a counter
narrative of Talibanization and hence disappointed the US and her allies.
3. That PPP leadership failed to confront the military,
media and the Supreme Court after the killing of Osama and thus lost the
strength to serve as a strong player inside Pakistan.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Drone Attacks: A bit change in perspective
us discuss why the Americans are preferring drones over other strategies. They
are without pilots so no threat to US soldiers?): Muhammad Arif
obvious, long range missiles are very expensive and comparatively less
accurate. Not possible to use Air force due to hidden deal with Pakistan. Hence
drones are more effective, accurate and most appropriate according to the
are effective to a certain extent and are focused on a certain territory. What
else are they using against the Taliban and Al-Qaeda?
are the most effective weapons against Taliban. Collateral damage is very
limited as compared to a suicide bomber. I still fail to understand how come
Imran Khan convinced his enlightened youth that it is drones that are the cause
of all trouble. 50000 thousand deaths in suicide attacks become insignificant
before drones which r killing Taliban and only limited (unfortunate) civilian
Drones are effective to a certain extent and are focused on a certain
do you mean by “to a certain extent and territorial focus”?
Khan, I dont agree that drones are also killing innocents. Drones are very
accurate and follow the sim/chip which is being placed by an agent or source.
Those children and women shown in the media are not innocent, because
terrorists are provided shelter by the families in their houses, when drones
strike, then it also takes the children and women residing in the same
a certain extent” means that they largely fail to break the networks, pose
greater damage to the command and control systems and target the foot soldiers
in greater numbers. By “territorial focus” means that they are mostly focused
on Wazristan or we have seen some lately in Orakzai.
Baba (Smiling)
I agree to the first part but then every
weapon has its own disadvantage, US can’t use atomic bomb to achieve the aim
you mentioned. About territorial restriction, I think it is the part of the
deal with Pakistan and not a limitation of the weapon.
Isn't it a very stupid deal on the part of the
Deal restrictions are from Pakistan side and not from US. Do you think Pakistan
should give US open hand to strike drones anywhere in Pakistan?
As a
matter of territorial sovereignty Pakistan should not have given the US any
hand at all. But as a “deal” is there I
am looking at it from the US perspective.
think deal is there. As per my opinion there are many Taliban in Quetta and surrounding
areas but there is no drones here. Sometime back, US wanted to use drones in Baluchistan
which was rejected by Pakistan. Hence it is very obvious that deal is there and
deal is restricted to some areas only.
the question is still there. Wasn't it a
very stupid “deal” on the part of the US?
me change the question a bit. Why the US remained complacent with this strategy
for the last so many years?
Baba (Smiling)
is better than nothing. Striking drones inside a sovereign country is not minor
issue. US has got Pakistan's permission to strike drones in FATA is big
achievement, I don’t think, there is any other country in the world who granted
any such permission to an outsider.
is something very important. I can see a design in this. It is not as simple as
we made a fool of them and they remained complacent with whatever they got.
think Drones are not used as a strategy. It is rather more tactical. The
strategy is something else. Now can you guess what might be the possible
to me they already got a lot from drones. In addition to testing their new
weapon in future warfare, they almost eliminated Al-Qaida from FATA and
Drones are used to check and improve the technology. This is the best way to
check and improve and get excellence in this technology by directly using it in
the war-field for years. Now the US will be having a more sophisticated version
of this technology.
you are right. Drones have two perspectives. One is achieving their political
agenda. The second which is of more use to them, is that drones are a research
tool in extending and perfecting the next generation of unmanned warfare
equipments which will include ground vehicles, aerial, sea vehicles, and
eventually robots!!! And no this is not some secret DoD program, surprisingly
most of this is open research.
possible strategy looks more horrible. From the Durand Line to Kashmire, from
Kashmire to the Arabian Sea and then to the Durand Line again the trapezoid is in
big trouble. It is under threat from the terrorists or the enemy within besides
so many other chronic problems. Thanks to our omniscient, omnipresent and
God-fearing generals (Musharaf and his crew) for signing a deal with the
Thanks to Khan Baba and others for such a nice chat.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
ANP: The Present and the Future
ANP lost
elections because it failed to make the people understand why did they lose 800 lives!
was stabbed by the double-edged sword of attacks from the Taliban and the
Media-created Craze among the youth. The rest of Pakistan watched ANP blood but
all were silent and were busy stampeding the corpses for their political gains.
Congratulation to all of them! They have won a victory against the rule of
"fair play".
Performance vs. Defeat
all means ANP government's performance was the best of all in the last 20 years
history of Pakistan. ANP did not lose elections due to its bad performance. ANP
was defeated by the Taliban and the media created "crazy" youth.
needs new, young, talented, intellectual and committed institutionalized
leadership who could change the whole politics in the region by starting study
circles at the grassroots level. Social empowerment is the prerequisite for
political empowerment.
Discourse for Future Action
ANP encouraged freedom of speech and tolerated
all kind of criticism from the media. The Federal Govt several times bribed the
journalists, used PEMRA to suppress free speech but ANP never engaged in
suppressing any voice of the media. Look at Altaf Hussain! He threatened the
anchor persons but ANP will continue to engage democratically with the media.
ANP increased space for Civil Society and
allowed NGOs to work more effectively. ANP expects the Civil Society to
continue their good work uninterruptedly. Civil Society is the backbone of an
organic society.
ANP stood for secular values. This is called
bravery. No party in Pakistan has such clarity of vision and progressive
political approach.
The 5 years ANP government encouraged free
speech and free choices. So people voted for a change unlike in other provinces
where people supported the status quo. Thus ANP was largely successful to make
a dynamic society.
ANP encouraged women (Youth) to participate in
elections, hold portfolios and Party offices. ANP tried its best to provide
equal opportunities to women. But they did not vote for ANP. ANP respects their
choice. ANP simply wants the women to remember these great contributions for
women's empowerment.
ANP opened the Nishtar Hall for cultural
activities and empowered the artists, artisans and craftsmen. But all of them
voted for the PTI! NO PROBLEM! Vote is your basic right. Next time if you feel
your life and work is threatened, join the ANP. ANP knows your value and
struggling against any oppression is our common goal.
ANP gave away thousands of laptops to talented
youth. They voted for the PTI. ANP appreciates them that they have made their
choice. ANP only wants these youth to study hard and join us in the future.
ANP trained thousands of youth in different fields.
Most of them voted for the PTI. We encourage them that they have made a choice
at least.
The 5 years ANP government established 7
universities. So more educated youth who voted for a change.
10. Add more to the list….
Friday, May 17, 2013
The politics of economic conflicts
in Pakistan is going to be shaped as a conflict between the industrialists and
wealthy ruling elites (PML N and their economic policies) and a public reaction
to these policies. The PML N think tank has already hinted to go for
“austerity” which would mean cuts to developmental projects, social spending
and welfare schemes.
initial challenge for PML N, however, would be how to tackle the energy crisis
which has almost crippled economy. Power outage to industries and businesses has
already paralyzed the working class and further cuts to welfare schemes and
social spending would add fuel to the fire.
suggests that fiscal austerity largely contributes to unemployment. Though the PML N has previously launched self
employment schemes such as the “Yellow cab scheme”, this time it is going to be
very harder as Pakistan is already deficient in natural gas and we have been
witnessing a decrease of supply to CNG stations.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Capitalist Democracy: A Two Parties System
capitalists’ democracy or ideal democracy is a two parties system. This is what
has been tried recently in Pakistan. But unexpectedly Imran failed to win in
Punjab and lost so many seats with slight margin.
initial plan seems to have received a big setback. It was expected that PML N
will win more seats from other provinces while PTI will win more seats from
Punjab. However, one cannot control all the political dynamics. This is where
the whole game apparently went wrong from a traditional political perspective and
analysts are puzzled.
biggest success of the strategy was by the non-state actors who helped PTI a
big victory not only on National Assembly seats but also on provincial Assembly
seats in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and to the surprise of the masterminds the whole
province is now under control. It was not intended to completely wipe out
the ANP but the Tsunami went out of
policy also could not succeed to disturb power structure in Karachi in favour
of a more centralist politics and somehow could not succeed to further shrink
political space for the PPP in Sind.
Baluchistan an alliance between PML N and PMAP would mean diluting the hardcore
Pakhtun nationalism. A representative government in Baluchistan would also mean
de-legitimizing Baluch insurgency.
PML N and PTI are now supposed to redefine the civil-military relation in the
light of the changes the region is passing through especially detachment of
Pakistan from increasing US pressure and setting it on the path of attaining a
sovereign status for itself. The policy would also seek good relation with
India and Afghanistan.
two parties system is introduced mainly to address the following issues.
Pakistan needs democracy and political stability which can best be ensured by a
two parties centralist political arrangement.
It will dilute regional and nationalists parties who are at present in a better
position to blackmail the center and in case of Baluchistan invite foreign
This system can easily be manipulated by outsiders through (MMM) money, media
and military force where necessary.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Garrison State
Garrison State is a state which is directly or indirectly
ruled by the military. The military has almost total or partial control over
state institutions. It usually owns major corporations in the country for
sustaining itself as a separate class besides spending huge budget on military
This is a totally new form of status quo, requires more
study to be understood. What actually can break this status quo is either an
external war or an internal revolution within the organization.
Such state owes its existence due to a strong enemy usually
in its neighborhood. It also engages itself in continued fights against
internal insurgencies.
The state is much consolidated in areas where majority of
the population is concentrated. However, the population is mostly marginalized due
to lack of political and democratic culture. In the peripheries,
marginalization is greater and people are more undeserved.
population is depoliticized. They are mostly dogmatic, frustrated and vulnerable
to all kinds of hate-mongering That is why popular slogans, anarchic models and
even patriotism of the olden days find a good market.
state control is sustained through fear and through intermittent hopes. Pockets
of population are also ignored to experiment and to allow some emotional
release to their frustrations. In rare cases state control is also ensured
through non-state actors who have symbiotic relation with the state and who are
mostly ambivalent towards the power elites.
top-down power structure is properly networked. A second tier of Elite minority
who has often some nuisance value is allowed to rule turn by turn.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
am not some frustrated individual who tries to break Pakistan and who struggles
for a Fanciest Pakhtun Republic. My intention is to understand the issue of
Durand Line and peace in the AF-PAK Region)
the wake of elections in Pakistan the issue of Durand Line raised by the Afghan
President Hamid Karzai may seem a non-issue. However, this issue will always
remain fresh. Karzai said that Afghanistan would never recognize the Durand
Line. In response to the statement Foreign Ministry Pakistan said that the issue
was already settled.
these are occasional statements and are mostly issued for the internal
consumption as one of my friends on facebook pointed out. However, on both
sides of the Durand Line Pashtuns hold a strong perception against the Durand
Line and believe it to be dividing Pashtuns politically, culturally and as an
organic society.
we the courage, will or an unbiased approach to address this issue from
different perspectives? Do we have any solution for it through peaceful means
and dialogue? What future do we have as Pashtuns from both side of the Durand
fair referendum is not possible in Pakistan. Here elections are rigged and
political parties are persecuted.
by the UN is also a possibility. However, this must require Afghanistan to
convince the UN or there must be a very genuine political movement among
Pakhtuns in Pakistan which may force the international community for direct
actions. International intervention is always subject to Great Powers interest.
For example Pakistan has not progressed on the Kashmir issue an inch further
due to the fact that India enjoys diplomatic ties with almost all major powers.
is an issue. As long as Tribal Areas maintain a special status and as long as
they remain as buffer the issue will exist.
special status of FATA is very interesting. The colonialists left this area as
buffer simply for two reasons. 1. To give Afghanistan some room for claiming
these areas back. 2. To use the same areas for any future advancement by Soviet
with the help of Afghanistan. Otherwise no reason exists for giving a special
status to FATA.
this is not as simple as there was one person Jinnah who created Pakistan and
who knew all about Pakistan and the rest of the Muslim Leagues were blind
followers. Isn't it very strange that 2,640 Km border with a hostile neighbour
(Afghanistan) and still more hostile population (Pakhtuns) was left to be
protected by those who held some loose allegiance to both Afghanistan and
point remains that neither Jinnan, nor Pakistan nor the British nor Afghanistan
were in favour of a permanent border status for the Durand Line. That is why
all were pleased with this buffer zone formula.
the demarcation of Durand Line is not to be taken as an issue as the line
originally meant political sphere of influence of Afghanistan and the British
India and which did not mean a traditional border between two countries. So I
reiterate the "Buffer Zone Theory" has got more substance. There
remained a tacit understanding among all the stakeholders to keep this area as
buffer and successive regimes in both Pakistan and Afghanistan never questioned
its status.
P.S. In a latest interview Karzai made it clear that Afghan govt is not raising the issue because Afghan government wants a peaceful solution to the problems between Afghanistan and Pakistan. He added that more friendly ties between the two country can develop a confederation between the two countries due to which the Durand Line will itself become irrelevant.
P.S. In a latest interview Karzai made it clear that Afghan govt is not raising the issue because Afghan government wants a peaceful solution to the problems between Afghanistan and Pakistan. He added that more friendly ties between the two country can develop a confederation between the two countries due to which the Durand Line will itself become irrelevant.
Jirga on Geo News ( Exclusive Interview Of Hamid Karzai ) – 16th June 2013
Watch Jirga on Geo News () – 16th June 2013
Monday, May 6, 2013
دا زړه سپکوم
دا زړه سپکوم
(محمد عارف)
او دا نيشنلزم بس زمونږ مجبوري جوړه شوې ده ګنې د دے څۀ خاص فايده نشته. زه وايم چې وخت تېر دے. اوس د نړئ نوې حقيقتونه دي، يا خو پاکستان په تسليمول دي چې دا خبره ختمه شي. او يا نظرياتي سوشلسټ سياست شورو کړۍ نو څۀ به ترې جوړه شي.
دا ټول نيشنلزم د يو پس مانده سماج نرګسيت وړاندي کول دي او پاور ته ځان رسول دي. نور هېڅ هم نشته. نۀ ژبه، نۀ کلتور، نۀ تخليق، نۀ مزاحمت او نۀ انقلاب.
د استعمار شکلونه بدليږي خو استعمار په خپل ځائ لا پوخ ولاړ دے. مصيبت دا دے چې د سماج ګس اړخ د فکري ديواليه پن ښکار شوې دې. ننۍ سياسي مبارزه د زيډجيسټ پوهه او د هغې نه د وتلو تګلاره غواړي، او دا تر هغې نۀ شي تر سره کېدې چې په ميډيا، علم او پوهه باندې د استعمار کلکه قبضه وي.
زمونږ وړومبۍ مبارزه د علم او پوهې قبضه ګرو سره ده کوم چې علم او پوهه ګرانوي او د عامو خلقو نه ئې لرې ساتي.
مسله دا نۀ ده چې حالات بدل شو. حالات خو بدلېږي. اوس خو سرمايه داران پوهان هم وائي چې دا نظام ناکامه دے. خبره د پياوړې ردعمل ده. خبره اولس له يو متبادل سوچ او فکر ورکول دي.
زما په خيال د يو متبادل ردعمل شورو د علم او پوهې قبضه ګرو خلاپ ردعمل دے. د علم او پوهې ردعمل چې تر څو د دے ناکامه نظام اپالوجسټان نۀ وي چيلنج کړې تر هغې د يو عملي رد عمل لارے نۀ شي پرانستې کېدے.
زما په خېال انقلابيانو له پکار دي چې پوسټ ماډرنزم بربنډ کړي. او د دے رياکاري نړۍ ته په ګوته کړي. د ژبې فلسفه يا تجزياتي فلسفه د سرمايه دارانه نظام اخرې فلسفه ده چې اولس د کنفيوژن ښکار کوي. د ريسرچ په نوم علم صرف د علم د پاره، د وخت او پېسو زيان دے کوم چې پوهان د عمل نه لرې ساتي.
دا فکري ردعمل په په رائج فکري ديوالونو کښي شګافونه پېدا کړي او پوهان به عمل ته مجبور کړي.
د دے نوے ردعمل فوکس به دا وي چې علم اسان دے، او په دے د هر چا حق دے. علم چې څوک ګرانوي او د اولس نه ئې لرې ساتي نو د استعمار ملګرې دے. علم، فکر او پوهه د نړۍ هر انسان د پاره داسې ضروري ده لکه ساه اخيستل.
علم او پوهه د يونيورسټو ډګريانو ته نۀ وائي. علم او پوهه د پوهانو ډائرکټ مشاهده ده کومه چې هغوي په خپل چارپيرچل کښې کوي او علم او پوهه عمل دے.
کله چې مونږ په دے کښې کامياب شو چې د علم په اړه يو کاؤنړ پرسپشن ډيولپ کړې شو نو زمونږ جذبات به هم پېدا شي او چې جذبات پېدا شي نو سياسي تحريک په خپله په مخکښې ځي.
د سرمايه دارۍ اپالوجسټان او د علم بتان به ماتول وي، چې د ازاد فکر او سوچ لارې پرانستې شي.
د ميډيا نام و نهاد خبريال به په اولسي پرسپيکټيوز پوهول وي چې د اولس ستونځو له ډير ځائ ورکړي.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Zardari Calls the Shot
Asif Ali Zardari has been emerging as one of the strongest power-brokers in
Elections 2013 in Pakistan. The PPP strange but meaningful silence for not launching
a political campaign may apparently seem due to threats from the TTP and PPP
bad performance in the previous government. This is what the popular media
which has remained anti-Zardari for the last five years is telling us. However,
there is something deep which might startle students of politics in the end.
has remained successful to keep himself aloof from the ongoing tussle between
Nawaz Sharif and Imran Khan which is now in the critical stage and which is
closing the doors for any alliance between Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif for the formation of government in the
center. Thus whoever takes most of the seats will solely rely on PPP which is
supposed to get a maximum number of 50 or more seats in the center and
a considerable majority in Sind.
PPP’s bargaining chip in the post-elections scenario would possibly be
unconditional support to any major party in the center in exchange for
accepting President Asif Ali Zardari for another five years as the President of
Pakistan and the office of Chief Minister of PPP in Sind.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Open Letter to Honourable General Kiani
Subject: Actions speak louder than words
Honourable Sir,
recent statement about the ownership of the war against terror by you is extremely
encouraging. As an ordinary Pakistani I understand the crisis Pakistan is
passing through. So we expect from you concrete measures against the militants
and changing security paradigm of the country by making it more pro-people and help our people to benefit from increased bilateral ties and friendship with Afghanistan.
system (capitalism as I don’t have any other substitute for it so please don’t
consider me typical communist) operates through political influence. Now there
are two possible strategies of political influence. One way is using hard-war
tactics or direct military intervention, stationing your army and thus loot and
plunder whatever is available or having strategic goals of containing your
enemies who could use the soil against you. In Afghanistan case the US
primarily came here under compulsion to safeguard strategic interests which
include restricting the growing influence of China, Russia and even India and
to expand this military influence as far as the Arabian Sea. The resources in
Afghanistan, the oil and gas reservoirs in Central Asia and other benefits such
as economic gains through regional cooperation and from countries like India
are the byproduct of this military intervention.
second way of creating influence is through soft-war tactics which include
ideological influence through religion such as from the Sauids, Cultural
invasion through exploiting the demand of local culture market such as India
and through philanthropic activities like the Europeans are doings. Now these
strategies secure ground for those who are interested to make more benefits
from the local resources through investment.
is ultimately the desired environment for investment and to exploit resources.
However, conflicts continues due to the involvement of two or more than two
contestants who are always suspicious of one another and who are paranoid as
the system (capitalism itself) is myopic without any purpose where you are
after money and money and money.
strategic interests in Afghanistan are founded on ill grounds as the strategy
is continuation of the old strategic doctrine of "Strategic Depth".
Couple with this the Saudis/Wahabi ideological influence has made it more
redundant as neither strategic depth has any utility for Pakistan anymore nor
Wahabi influence is of any practical utility but is rather becoming a
liability. So I very humbly request you to change this policy for the best
interest of Pakistan. Pakistan has better prospects of friendship with
Afghanistan than any other country of world.
An ordinary
The Culture of Love and Tolerance
Pakhtuns are unique for many
reasons. One of the distinctive
attributes of Pakhtuns is that they form the biggest tribal population in the
present time. Though the tribal structure of Pakhtuns is fast losing it
distinctive aroma and some of the tribal traditions have been distorted to the
extent that they have lost their originality, still the Pakhtun tribal
structure is one of the main pillars which could explain a Pakhtun identity.
Normally Pakhtuns proudly associate themselves with tribes, sub-tribes and
clans. They take pride in their tribal and national heroes. They love the land
where they live and a big piece of Pashto literature is about patriotism and
The archetypal Pakhtuns way of
life was simple and egalitarian where all the members of a family were supposed
to work. Historically Pakhtuns had been living a nomadic life in Afghanistan
and they had settled in their present homeland after several migrations. Where
there was agriculture, men and women would jointly work in the fields. Even
still today Pakhtun women have been contributing to family income by engaging
themselves in cottage industry. The family structure enjoys a considerable
matriarchy and older women have greater say in family matters. In the past
women used to form Jarga—the traditional forum for the settlement of
disputes—but the practices is now extinct. In time of tribal disputes and wars
women would assist men in the battle fields.
The Pakhtuns follow a strictest
code of life called Pakhtunwali. Besides some regional variations, this code is
practiced in almost all Pakhtun areas to a certain degree. This code is a
combination of secular customs and traditions whose values are dear to every
Pakhtun. Some of the tenets of Pakhtunwali are bravery, hospitality, loyalty,
asylum and justice etc.
Pashto Tapa is one of the
rarest literary and poetic genres. Most of the Tapas are orally transmitted and
they form the core of Pashto folklore. A significant thing about Tapas is that
they are mostly put together by women. Those who always find fault with the
Pakhtuns way of life should revisit their thinking and study Pashto Tapa for
the degree of freedom of expression a Pashtun culture allow to women. The study
of Tapa tells us that the internal fabric of Pashtun Culture is feminine,
sensitive and considerably of higher aesthetic value. The themes of Tapa are
diverse and cover almost all aspect of Pakhtuns life. The style is so simple
and fluent that ordinary men and women can create more Tapas while talking or
singing. Majority of these Tapas are about love—love for one’s beloved or alternatively
love for the motherland.
The Pakhtuns share a good taste
for poetry. Almost all Pakhtuns enjoy poetry and majority of them could create
their own poetry. Mushaeras or poetry events have remained major events in the
Pakhtun social and cultural life. Every area has its own poets and some of
these poets have their poetry collections published. Common themes of Pashto
poetry are diverse such as love, patriotism, morality, secular values, longing
for peace, hero-worship, and Islam etc. A refined taste for poetry and the
diverse poetic themes and genres is a testimony to the fact that Pakhtuns’
worldview is broader unlike the many labels and stereotypes which have been
formed by the foreigners about them from time to time. The rich poetic
traditions among Pakhtuns tell us about the scholarly aspect of their life
which has remained thirsty for more knowledge and learning.
(To be
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