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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Whenever people talk about the west two ideas come into mind:

1. That west has an identity or certain fixed characteristics, deriving strength from the constituent characteristics and posing a threat to other identities by utilizing the same strength.
2. That west is a descriptive umbrella term combining everything modern in the strictest philosophical sense.

My concept of the west is closer to the second one. I am not presenting something of a Queer theory nor do I have the capability to have such an emotive endeavor. What I am trying to offer here is that the west is “west” because of its academic excellence. It is the power of ideas which make everything possible. A resistant political model or the supposed conflict associated with it might have some gains in the ends but it has no justification whatsoever to negate west in abstract philosophical sense. Hence I may be a part of the west though living thousands of miles away and another living in the heart of it might feel alienated.

“Eastern philosophy has been in some ways profounder than western philosophy for much of the past, but in the last two hundred years the balance has been redressed”.
Bryan Magee

According to Bryan it was Marxixm which truly influenced the eastern thought and it was the greatest influence of west on east. I was reading pakhtoonmagazine issue for this month and I was not astonished to find out two articles especially the one titled “Badledoonke narhai ao adab” which see modernism purely from Marxian perspectives. Mostly our first rate intellectuals are unaware of the philosophical developments of the 20th century and that is how their worldview is so limited and their perspectives so redundant. For a society to evolve, it needs intellectuals who are well aware of the complexity of thoughts in the contemporary world. Even political struggle need this necessary understanding behind an ideology.

In modern world no signal ideal can have the desired strength to make a collective impact not only in terms of the validity of the truth which it claims to be inherent to the ideal under discussion but also in terms of the impacts it would likely to create when put to experiments. Thus if nationalism needs a touch of “revisionism” it should be welcomed. Similarly, we have to apply every modern tool to further our ideological struggle.

Despite of its apparent hatred for Nazism, the modern western world (or perhaps the whole world in the quest for power) has been (somehow) reshaped on Nietzsche’s philosophy. His philosophy can be summarized in three lines that Shakespeare puts into the mouth of Richard 111.

Conscience is but a word that coward use
Devised at first to keep the strong in awe
Our strong arms be our conscience, swords our law!

The philosophical elements in Marxism are mainly derived from Hegel. They can be summarized as:

1. Reality is a historical process
2. The key to understand reality is to understand the nature of change
3. Historical change is not random but obeys discoverable law
4. Discoverable law of change is dialectics: a repeated triadic movement of thesis, antithesis and synthesis
5. Alienation or internal contradiction which keep the law perpetually in operation and eventually brings an end to the state of affair by its own internal contradictions
6. That the process is not under the control of human beings
7. The process will continue until a stage will reach when the internal contradictions will be resolved.
8. In a conflict free situation human beings will be able to take control of their destinies
9. For the first time freedom and self-fulfillment will become possible
10. The society will become an organic whole, individuals observed and there more fulfilling

What Marx Added and Changed

While Hegel considered reality spiritual Marx believes it to be material. One these philosophical grounds Marx build his Model.

1. Economy is fundamental:

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